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By Appointment Only
Malibu, Ca

Throughout my life I have felt my maternal instincts deep within.  Working with children through the years, I was able to understand the role of a mother only slightly, and I often wondered how my spirit would continue to expand in the presence of my own child.  These changes were beyond profound, and in the moment we conceived our star child, I transitioned into the all encompassing realm of Mother.

I had already been mentoring children from all walks of life for many years at this point, and I had adopted them into my heart joyfully, holding the space that was available to help guide them toward the healthiest, happiest, and most fulfilling path they could imagine.  What had started out as musical therapy, became a much more in depth experience of mutual transformation when I began working with children who were fighting terminal and chronic illnesses.  After having observed that their parents were quite overwhelmed, I stepped into a role of deep investigation into their personal ailments, and rapidly gathered any and all information that could assist in their healing journey toward perfect health.  This began in the realm of organic food, pure water, and superfood supplements, but it did not end there.  There really is no end to the powerful healing essences our Great Mother Earth has provided for our every need.  We need only to continue to seek out and expand into these magical blessings of harmonic resonance to discover for ourselves the true medicines that can assist us in becoming the most vibrant versions of ourselves.

This magnificent journey has inspired the creation of these skin and soul care products. Each of my blends has been created for specific ailments intended for a close friend or family member, and the healing results of their use has been truly awe inspiring.  The most universally relevant creations I offer now to you.   All ingredients are made with organic, wildcrafted, biodynamic, and hydro-distilled essences.  All packaging is in Miron violet glass, which is known to preserve and enhance the quality of the essences it contains.



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"Gratitude is the greatest healer.  
When you live according to your highest values
you become inspired and awaken genius."

-Dr. Demartini

These are exciting times we are living in.  We literally increase our speed of expansion in every direction every moment.  Finding that peaceful place within, synchronizing our heartbeats with our breath, and knowing that we will collectively find a way to thrive in all situations is something we are all consciously creating together.  Education is at the forefront of this revolution, it is where the change begins.  

To understand is to perceive patterns, and being in a state of awe has been shown to give us something back that many feel has been lost: our perception of time. This generation has more free time than any of our predecessors, yet due to the amount of information constantly streaming toward us, our perception and attention spans have radically decreased.  

A Stanford University study revealed the best way to alleviate a time-starved perception is to BE IN AWE.  Experiencing awe makes one feel more rich in time and alters decision making, as well as stimulating people to prefer experiential goods over material goods.  It also makes one more willing to donate time to help others, andwhen people feel they have more time available, this leaves them with a greater feeling of satisfaction in life.  

Awe is a very powerful and positive emotion involving perceptual vastness, complexity, and this enhanced state of being leaves us with increased empathycompassion, & curiosity.  This expansive experience also inspires a desire for more knowledge structures, and helps people focus on the present moment.  And there is a lot to focus on during this turning point in history, we need our collective genius refined to maximum performance

"To know and not to do is not to know" - Buddha