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By Appointment Only
Malibu, Ca

Throughout my life I have felt my maternal instincts deep within.  Working with children through the years, I was able to understand the role of a mother only slightly, and I often wondered how my spirit would continue to expand in the presence of my own child.  These changes were beyond profound, and in the moment we conceived our star child, I transitioned into the all encompassing realm of Mother.

I had already been mentoring children from all walks of life for many years at this point, and I had adopted them into my heart joyfully, holding the space that was available to help guide them toward the healthiest, happiest, and most fulfilling path they could imagine.  What had started out as musical therapy, became a much more in depth experience of mutual transformation when I began working with children who were fighting terminal and chronic illnesses.  After having observed that their parents were quite overwhelmed, I stepped into a role of deep investigation into their personal ailments, and rapidly gathered any and all information that could assist in their healing journey toward perfect health.  This began in the realm of organic food, pure water, and superfood supplements, but it did not end there.  There really is no end to the powerful healing essences our Great Mother Earth has provided for our every need.  We need only to continue to seek out and expand into these magical blessings of harmonic resonance to discover for ourselves the true medicines that can assist us in becoming the most vibrant versions of ourselves.

This magnificent journey has inspired the creation of these skin and soul care products. Each of my blends has been created for specific ailments intended for a close friend or family member, and the healing results of their use has been truly awe inspiring.  The most universally relevant creations I offer now to you.   All ingredients are made with organic, wildcrafted, biodynamic, and hydro-distilled essences.  All packaging is in Miron violet glass, which is known to preserve and enhance the quality of the essences it contains.


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Our newest creation was inspired by a study that revealed tinctured ginger and raw honey are both incredible antibiotics on their own, but when combined become a Super-Antibiotic! This dynamic duo beat out the top three pharmaceutical antibiotics by a landslide of effectiveness.

'Rock It' is the exact formula tested: a 50/50 ratio of raw honey and tinctured ginger root, that we combined with the added immune supporting benefits of OreganoCinnamon, and Turmeric essential oils.  The combination of all of these super-healers blasts pathogens into oblivion so that you can rock it this year.

Turmeric is one of my favorite essences and it is one of the most studied spices in the world, with many thousands of studies revealing its potent anti-inflammatory healing properties.  Turmeric appears to outperform many pharmaceuticals in its effects against several chronic, debilitating diseases, and does so with virtually no side effects.   

Cinnamon has also been shown to be effective against 98% of all pathogenic bacteria.   It is antiseptic, antibacterial, and anti-fungal.  It stimulates blood circulation to the gums, promoting healing and regeneration by increasing the production of white blood cells.  The anti-parasitic properties prevent fermentation in the intestines, making it an excellent addition to gut healing protocols. 

Oregano, Origanum vulgare, grown and harvested wild from the mountains of the Mediterranean, is packed with potent benefits.  Dr. Gerald Smith states, "Oregano works like an antibiotic" to boost the immune system, and many studies have revealed that it has a vast range of antimicrobial activities.  

“Using essential oils for common colds is a safe and proven method of minimizing symptoms, preventing secondary or super infections, and in general supporting the body in fending off the virus… leaving the body in a state of improved immune competence”.~ Dr. Kurt Schnaubelt

Rock It : Nature's Antibiotic
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"Paula is the kind of person I would dream about in fairy tales. She is the woman who talks to the butterflies, to the plants, to the wind and to the mountains. A modern day Pocahontas. I met Paula at the very end of my day at Mercado Sagrado. She was perched up high on the side of the house in this wooden enclave that you walk up to. With all of her products splayed out, I felt like I was really going to see this sage or medicine woman. She was so kind and allowed us to sample her utterly unique and complex blends + potions. I told her I would love to do a story about her and she responded with such excitement. While we were corresponding, she invited me to her monarch butterfly releasing party at her home in Malibu Canyon. She has been caring for and now releasing her fourth generation. How could I say no?

I decided to bring a friend because I wanted someone to also acknowledge this woman's undeniable ability to communicate with nature. After driving up high into the hills, passing sheer cliffs and large sycamores, we arrive at her house. It's quiet. So quiet. We are immediately greeted by her daughter, Lila Polaris, who is dressed up in a fairy costume. She's like the bouncer of the party, but with glittery wings on her back. She asks us who we are and we respond saying that we are friends with her mother. We walk up to the side of the house (that is overlooking this huge valley) and see Paula dressed in this beautiful red dress. We see a tent and peek inside to find an entire family of about twenty butterflies. My friend goes in first. She is surrounded. They are so friendly. She put some fruit juice on her fingers and fed them like a new mother. Paula and I join her in the tent and she shows us one of the last chrysalis' that is still unhatched. It reminds me of page 12 in the book Be Here Now by Ram Dass. It talks about metamorphosis and the inevitable process we all go through to transform and evolve into something else. We are where we are but we must know that it is not forever. 

After feeding the butterflies we head down to her studio, which is full of instruments, paintings and even a little tea set for her daughter to make her own concoctions. This is the kind of place we dream about as children. We start trying products, one of which is this amazing new medicinal honey she developed. I have never tried honey like this before. She makes all of her products by hand. I can tell that each and every one is made with incredible attention and care. Toward the end of the party it was time to release the butterflies. I picked mine out from Paula's hand and she said, "wish them luck on their first flight". I whispered the words "go for it" to my little butterfly. A couple seconds later I could feel this light push from it's legs on my hands like a springboard and it was off, fluttering into the sky. I will never forget that moment. 

Thanks to Paula I started to listen to the subtle voices of nature. All the plants, animals, trees, water, mountains, and other natural forces are always speaking. Can we quiet ourselves enough to listen? "

Q+A with Paula from Scents of Awe

Q: Why did you start your company? 

A: I began formulating products for myself during my pregnancy when I learned the startling facts of dermal absorption rates, and the higher levels of toxicity that impact the body and the developing fetus through skin absorption.  When we come into contact with a chemical on our skin, we literally drink it through the porous surface of our skin, and in turn the substances have direct access into our bloodstream, bypassing the body's defenses of the digestive and liver detoxification systems.  What you put onto your skin has a greater impact on your health than what you put in our mouth.  This awareness brought me to a place of simplification, and set me on a quest to further discover what I could create for my family that would in turn be beneficial, medicinal, and deliver the most pure and harmonizing effects through internal and external application.  A vivid highlight of this discovery was learning about essential oils, and when pure and unadulterated, they can have incredibly medicinal effects.  The birth of my offerings came through these channels of discovery.  After working with chronically and terminally ill children through a non-profit music program I developed for many years (M4tK: Music 4 the Kids), I became so much more aware of our current corporate for-profit medical paradigm, and through entering that realm I discovered just how deep the dysfunction goes.  This process of awakening fueled my passion for educating and empowering the children and their families through understanding the power of belief systems and root causes of chronic conditions, and to help inspire them to take their health back into their hands.  It was through this process that led me further and further down the wormhole of wellness and taught me more and more of how far we, as a social super-organism, have departed from the natural flow of being.  It was through this research that I began taking my food, my skincare, and my spirt back from the pre-packaged products into the hand-made high-vibe creations.  In a desire to extend what has been revealed to me, Scents Of Awe was born as an offering of products that have been created with the intention to educate and assist others with their re-connection to ancient spirit-body medicines, and guide them back to Nature on the cellular-spiritual level.

Q: How did you come up with you logo and what does it symbolize?

A: I spent a decade traveling- writing and recording my journey through visual art books, poetry, and song.  What fascinated me most was the universal- the commonalities of what we call the super-organism of the human species.  I have always been fascinated with investigating universal symbols. Throughout my adult life I have been continuously drawn in by Carl Jung's work, which identifies universal languages we speak through sound and imagery.  

The logo came through a series of sketch meditations. The triangle symbolizes manifestation, harmony, illumination, and ascension into the spirit world, as well as a foundation for the purifying process of inner alchemy, always distilling the essence into the highest form of matter...... The inner circle contains the yin/yang balancing aspect, and the image is also S O A woven all together...  The plant essences (scents) guided me closer to the Isis archetype: the Goddess of the Earth, Medicine, Wisdom, Motherhood, and Magic, and she is known for using her powers for the benefit of the people.  All my life I have experienced vivid dreams of flying, and winged animals and insects have always influence my life as guides of transformation.  The wings of Isis remind me of this calling and also feel protective of the sacredness of the alchemical process.  They hold the space and guide the way for the journey of Awe to remain vital and innocent, and for this work to extend to all who may benefit from it.

Q: Out of all of your products what is your favorite and why?

A: It's hard to choose a favorite, but it may be a 3 way tie between Rose Immortal, Firefly Creme, and Dream Creme.  My body craves them, and I look forward to the deep relaxation Dream Creme and Rose Immortal bring to my bedtime ritual, as well as the luxurious feeling I get when I am absorbing the Firefly Creme in the morning.

Q: What inspires you to create?

A: Immersing my spirit in Nature, being in a state of Awe, and the desire to connect and facilitate that feeling for others through communion with the essences.

Q: What is one product you carry that anyone can benefit from?

A: Dream Creme - I love the ritual of massaging our feet before bed, it brings our attention to this often neglected area, and promotes circulation as well as relieving pressure points in the feet, while stimulating detox through the nerve endings that are connected to every organ in the body.  It's a lovely connection ritual for mother and child, as well as partners, and even for oneself.

Q: Who are you wellness heroes? 

A: Lynne McTaggart, Vandana Shiva, Sayer Ji, Bruce Lipton, Chris Kresser, Mijanou Montealegre aka Mystic Mamma, Michael Pollen & Dr. Mercola. 

Q: What is always on your grocery list?

A: hemp seeds, avocados, coconut wraps, cilantro, grass fed raw butter, raw goat milk for my milk kefir , baby arugula from our neighbors biodynamic farm (One Gun Ranch), chia seeds and vanilla beans.

Q: Why do you choose to make your products by hand versus having someone else do it?

A: It comes down to trust and transparency for me. In making my own products by hand I am in control of every part of the process, and know exactly what it is that I am creating and offering to others.  This deeply intimate process is very important to me, and in the event that my company grows beyond my capacity to produce the products entirely by myself, it will be of utmost importance to find the most clean and pure energy alchemists to assist with that expansion.  For now, I blend in small batches by hand.

Q: Where/what is your sanctuary?

A: My studio where I blend is one of my favorite sanctuaries, I feel deeply held by the womb of the canyon where I live, and the waterfall beside the studio reminds me of the ancient ones and the indigenous Chumash tribe who lived and seeded this sacred land with their love and reverence.

Q: Best way to handle stress?

A: One of my favorite ways to decompress is watching Monarch caterpillars munch their leaves and move about their milkweed.  It brings me back to such a sweet space of innocence and bliss.  Meditation and breath work is always a good way to ground my experience.  Soaking in a medicinal bath is also incredibly relaxing for me, the time spent in that cocoon can be very grounding and simultaneously expansive which helps with stress reduction and organizing my intentions.

Q: Who inspires you the most and why?

A: My daughter Lila Polaris.  She is my investment in the future of all humanity, everything I have to give and contribute to this world can be seen in the reflection of her eyes.

Q: Favorite album to get you through the day?

A: Anouar Brahem : Le Pas Due Chat Noir

Q: Who would you love to meet?

Bill Drayton - founder of Ashoka: a revolutionary platform that finds and funds social entrepreneurs worldwide.  He has been a hero of mine for many years; I learned of his revolutionary work while reading the book "How to Change the World".

Vandana Shiva - I had the chance to meet her recently but the timing coincided with my Monarch Butterfly Release gathering- so I am looking forward to another opportunity.

Q: Best advice you ever received?

A: Inner Peace is World Peace. The reminder to be mindful in every moment and as conscious as possible.  Everything we think and do is broadcasted out and received and responded to by the inter-connected web of being that we are all a living part of.  It is a humbling fact, and one I am inspired and committed to live up to and continuously evolve.

Q: What is your grand vision/ future for Scents of Awe?

A: I see the brand expanding into the rapidly evolving market of wellness and consumer empowerment.  I visualize the products being interwoven into the fabric of what is now being created through greater access to the indigenous wisdom and scientific revelations, as well as the distillation and aggregation of this incredible body of knowledge that is now being made available to the masses through the diligent work of high-vibrational beings.  I am open to expanding into what it has been called to be, and I am committed to this path of discovery and co-evolution through cultivating a platform of passion and inspiration to all who desire to empower themselves and their loved ones into taking their health into their own hands through nature-reconnection, and healing one another from the heart on a global scale.



Rituals are Universal.  Every breath we take in is an inherent ritual in this life.  We each have our sacred rituals that calm and center our spirits, bring us into a higher state of consciousness, and aid in pattern recognition throughout our cellular and light bodies.  

This is a practice in evolution.  Recent research suggests that rituals of all kinds can be extremely effective, benefiting all who perform them.  These rituals we have developed throughout the ages have assisted our collective journey and have helped to bridge the two separately-conceived realms, the human and the divine.

Essential oils have been used in physically healing, spiritual, and religious rituals since ancient times.  Ayurvedic healing rituals often focus on balancing the Chakras, recognizing that each Chakra is vital to our overall health.  This Chakra Ritual Kit serves to enhance your personal rituals and further bring you into a higher state of consciousness and vibrant health. 

This Complete Chakra Kit includes 7 individual scents, one for each chakra. This collection of seven 5ml Miron bottles fit perfectly together in the Ritual Kit bag; when purchased together, you save 20%.  

Our Chakras are energetic centers in the body.  They are visualized as "wheels" or "spinning disks" as they twirl in a circular movement, serving as openings for life energy to flow into and out of our aura. Each Chakra has an attachment to specific bodily organs and glands. Balancing each Chakra is vital to our overall health, and this Chakra Ritual Kit serves to enhance these rituals and further bring us into a higher state of consciousness and vibrant health.  


The Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) is our portal to the Heavens, luminous threads reach from this center and connect our light with that of the stars.  Sahasrara means "emptiness", and is often portrayed as a thousand-petaled lotus symbolizing detachment from illusion.  In this chakra duality is One, and positive expressions of this include illumination, transcendence, selflessness, integrity, and wisdom. It is thought to influence the pineal glad, which is considered to be the 'seat of consciousness'.  When our Crown Chakra is blocked it can lead to headaches, neurosis, psychosis, depression, and spiritual misconceptions.  

'Crown Your Life' is a cleansing liquid crystal wand of essences that elevate your being, enhance your cellular frequency, and inspire your spirit to rise into the infinite potential of our universal being.  Apply a drop or two directly onto your scalp, massaging into your hair. Frankincense has been used to assist in communication with the divine since ancient times, and Rosemary is excellent for increasing circulation and treating all manner of scalp issues from balding to dandruff.  

Frankincense, Angelica, Poplar, Rosemary, Clary Sage, Juniper Berry, Laurel, Palo Santo, Jojoba 


The Third Eye Chakra (Anja) represents the visual, intuitive, psychic center of perception. Through this chakra we communicate telepathically, and perceive beyond what is seen.  The third eye is thought to be a gate that leads to inner realms of higher consciousness.  It is here where our imagination develops, memories are stored, and where we perceive dreams.  Associated with the Pineal Gland, Nervous System, Brain, Pituitary Gland;  this chakra's element is Light. A healthy third eye chakra allows us to see the "bigger picture", and our purpose in it.  

'Indigo Vision Quest' is a harmonizing 3rd eye opening blend of sacred spiritually aligning essences known to aid meditation, and healing activations.  Apply directly to 3rd eye chakra, and anywhere in need of alignment. Excellent for stimulating astral travel and lucid dreaming.  These sacred essences bring us their united gifts of grace and balance as we tune into the highest frequencies of universal love.

Blue Lotus, Ormus Gold, Frankincense, Myrrh, Helichrysum, Pine Cone, Sandalwood, Elemi, Palo Santo, Melissa, Red Cedar, Nutmeg, Laurel, Jojoba


Our Throat Chakra (Vishuda) is known as the purification center, and when energy is flowing clearly, it emboldens our voice with the truth that lives in our heart.  It is positioned near the spine in our neck region and it's activation point is in the hollow of the throat.  It is associated with creativity and self-expression, and is considered our psychic center.  It influences the thyroid gland, which regulates our temperature and produces hormones essential for growth.  It is in this chakra that we develop a global perspective, compassion for others and ourselves, and when this energy is stagnant we become isolated within, unable to communicate our feelings, and intoxicated with our own emotional needs and knowledge.  

'Speak Your Truth' is an emerald blend of potent essences that clear blockages in the throat chakra, align us with our higher selves, inspire creativity, calm our anxieties, and inspire our hearts to speak freely in a graceful tone.  It is an excellent companion to 'Heroic Heart' in promoting forgiveness and compassion.  Many who apply this oil feel a shift in their tone of voice instantly, and professional singers apply it in preparation for performances.

Sandalwood, Cape Chamomile, Melissa, White Lotus, Inula, German Chamomile, Balsam Fir, Jojoba


The Heart Chakra (Anahata) is home to our inner flame. It is associated with the consciousness of love, compassion, empathy, selflessness, psychic healing, and devotion.  The heart is 100,000 times electrically stronger and 5,000 magnetically stronger than the brain.  Located near the center of the breastbone, this chakra is associated with the heart, thymus gland, lower lung, and circulatory system.  The heart chakra acts as the balance point for all the chakras. It governs our relationships and how we interact with others. A balanced heart chakra is expressed in loving acceptance of self and others.

'Heroic Heart' is an angelically potent heart opening blend, with several essences used throughout the ages to strengthen the heart and balance arrhythmia. Helps to release old wounds and patterns of negativity, while calming and balancing the nervous system. Simply divine; the heart healing properties are truly magical. 

Melissa, Rose Otto, Helichrysum, Sandalwood, Angelica, Frankincense, Vetiver, Roman Chamomile, Black Pepper, May Chang, Spikenard, Jojoba


The Solar Plexus (Manipura) is located just above the belly button, and is considered the seat of our inner fire and personal power.  This chakra influences digestive function, stores our beliefs, judgements, and emotions we have gathered all our lives.  In storing and releasing energy, the expression of this chakra affects the stomach, liver, pancreas, and spleen.  Courage, longevity, selfless service, and fulfillment of dreams are all positive aspects of our Solar Plexus when it is clear.  If congested, gastrointestinal disorders, pride, ego inflation, victim mentality, temper tantrums, and shame can hold our spirits hostage.  The pancreas is the energy banker of our bodies, and glucose is it's currency.  Since the brain is the largest fuel consumer in the body, a balanced Solar Plexus is essential for clear thinking.  

When we awaken the power of this chakra we experience fearlessness, and our sexual desires can be channelled into love making, our purpose emboldened by our ability to translate vision into reality.

'Solar Plexus' is a potent digestive blend of incredibly healing essences, just a drop or two on your tummy to easy upsets and enhance personal well-being.  

Tumeric, Cardamom, Ginger, Cumin, Lemongrass, Carrot Seed, Fennel, Coriander Seed, Black Pepper, Lemongrass, Neroli Petitgrain, Jojoba


The Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana) represents our sensuality, sexuality, pleasures, and passions.  Influencing the kidneys, it activates the adrenals, and when fear is unable to be digested by the Sacral, it can signal the release of adrenaline throughout the body. The Sacral Chakra metabolizes energy nutrients into the Luminous Energy Field; all forms of energy represent food to this chakra. Earth energy is absorbed through the Root Chakra and digested by the Sacral to compost emotional energies into the nervous system. When functioning properly it can shred negative emotions such as anger and fear and expel them through the first chakra as waste.  When unbalanced and stagnant, these negative emotions fester within us, sitting in our gut, decomposing slowly to be stored as toxins.  

Let it all flow, let it all go, 'Fearlessly Free' is a decadent blend designed to assist in your transformation, inspire your sensual freedoms, ignite your passions, and serenade your cells with pure plant Goddess goodness.

Jasmine, Rose Otto, Pink Lotus, Sandalwood, Osmanthus, Vetiver, Gingerlily, Cardamom, Tansy, Jojoba


The Root Chakra (Muladhara) is located at the base of the spine, representing our connection to Pachamama (Mother Earth) and our physical foundation.  Primal drives of survival, stability, security, and procreation are all influenced by this chakra.  When our Crown Chakra is disconnected or imbalanced we feel motherless, orphaned, and search for our security in material things, often resulting in aggression and violence.  WhenMuladhara is balanced and spinning freely, Kundulini energy is awakened and rises up through our chakras into the outer reaches of our highest being.  

"Pachamama" can be applied to the soles of the feet for earthing rituals, as well as applied to the base of the spine.  This decadent blend instantly brings forth magical memories from early childhood for most initiates.

Rosewood, White Sage, Red Cedar, Myrrh, Lovage Root, Nutmeg, Vetiver, Jojoba

This Ritual Kit Bag is designed to hold space for Scents of Awe creations, so you can keep your favorite blends on hand and in style while on the go.  

These Ritual Kit Bags are hand-crafted by master leatherworker Julian Imrie.  Julian uses naturally vegetable tanned leathers of the finest quality, and he is renowned for his custom leather boots that sell in Barney's, RRL, among other retailers.  



It was a true honor to be included in the Mercado Sagrado 
inaugural market with some of the most talented and conscious local creatives.  If you missed it, there will be another in Malibu May 2-3rd, 2015.   Scents Of Awe was featured in Refinery 29's lovely recap below.

"We've said it once, and we'll definitely say it again: L.A.'s having a moment. Artisans are coming out of the woodwork and joining together in communities. Food is finally getting back to it's natural — and, most delicious — state. And, there's more incredible music than we can keep track of. But, with the city so spread out across hills and valleys, it's hard to get a feel for what's going on as a whole. Which is exactly why we're crazy for Mercado Sagrado, a new biannual lifestyle fair, featuring music, artisans, great vintage finds, and delicious food. 

Housed in a beautiful home deep in Topanga canyon, the recent two-day event — hosted by Carly Jo Morgan, Heather Culp, Suja Juice, and One Fine Stay — featured a select group of L.A.'s most up-and-coming artisans, designers, vintage sellers, and more. The result? Flocks of stylish, local creatives, purchasing amazing finds (most of which were locally made), watching Devendra Banhart play live, and, yes, coming back the next day for more. Click through now to discover a fresh crop of new talent, and check out a few of our favorite pieces from the fair. And, make sure to mark your calendar for the next installment!" -Refinery 29



Change is upon us.  All matter in our Universe is constantly in motion.  Nature is our graceful guide through this continual expansion as we travel at mind numbing speeds, endlessly swirling and spinning our psychospiritual selves through space-time.  

Enjoying this journey of discovery, and implementing positive changes are key to evolving the light that has travelled since the dawn of time to shine within us now.  Our ability to dance with the flow and currents in life enable us to flourish and grow with the gifts and wisdom transitions can bring.  

Inspired by the cyclical phases of the Moon, and re-educating ourselves with the natural expressions of time, we come into a deeper understanding of the uniquely profound gift each universal moment holds for every one of us.

Learning how to expand our consciousnesscultivate intuition, and simultaneously
manifest our desires can require a quieting of the mind, and a harmonious balance with internal and external stimuli.

This process of refinement is the ancient art of Alchemy: transforming elements into their higher states, and matter into spirit.  Just as Gold is thought to have been created by neutron stars colliding, we experience some of the same intensity in our emotional states in regard to condensing and revolving within emotional themes that eventually collide to produce a golden epiphany of evolution.

 Communing with Gold has long been thought to be a vital part of the 'Elixir of Life' - the secret of longevity and eternal youth.  Wisdom and Gratitude can also be crystalized in this process, as well as the refinement of one of our most precious spiritual inheritances: Intuition. 

The human brain is made up of 5% Monatomic Ormus elements, therefor supplementing with this formula helps to balance the right and left hemispheres of the brain, while also bringing a calm centered heart-space awareness to the thoughts and patterns of thinking that often dominate the mind.  A useful aid in meditation, as well as increasing metal alertness, and energizing visualization of desires.  These harmonic elements neutralize free radicals by binding to them and rendering them harmless.  With the addition of the Rose and White Lotus essential oils, this superhero combination brings one into a synergistic state of blissful surrender and eagle eye focus.

Lotus is helpful in connecting the mind and the heart, activating the crown chakra, third eye, throat and heart chakras.  Lotus flower has long been revered for it's ability to rise above the watery depths and bloom at the surface of being, often symbolizing enlightenment, beauty, purity, divinity, sensuality and sexuality.  It has also been shown to increase Melanin production.

Symbolism of the Rose
 "A highly complex symbol; it is ambivalent as both heavenly perfection and earthly passion; the flower is both Time and Eternity, life and death, fertility and virginity. In the Occident, the rose and lily occupy the position of the lotus in the Orient. In the symbolism of the heart, the rose occupies the central point of the cross, the point of unity. The red and white rose together represent the union of fire and water, the union of opposite. In Alchemy, the rose is wisdom and therosarium the Work; it is also the rebirth of the spiritual after the death of the temporal. In Hebrew Qabalism, the center of the rose is the sun and the petals the infinite, but harmonious, diversities of Nature. The rose emanates from the Tree of Life. In Hinduism, the lotus parallels the symbolism of the MysticRose as a spiritual center, especially in the chakras. " – J.C. Cooper's Encyclopedia of Traditional Symbols (1978), pp. 141-14

We are extending the celebration of summertime with the release of ROSE LOTUS ORMUS GOLD.  This elementally activating formula is a superconductor of consciousness, and has been created by five Artisan Alchemists.  
As we begin the transition into the golden hour of this cherished season, we are reminded to be in the now of this moment, forging new focus with inspiration, meditation, and gratitude for the blessings of our guiding light.


Featured in Malibu Newspaper


Paula Ferraro was featured in Malibu Newspaper July 23, 2014


In ancient Tao folklore, the words “music” and “scent” share the same root. For Malibu resident Paula Ferraro, the process of achieving auditory and olfactory art is also one in the same. 

“Ancient alchemy is a very spiritual process; you’re dealing with the soul and the essence of the plant,” Ferraro said. “I can relate to that because I’ve been churning and distilling my own energy into music and poetry for so long. It’s all the same art form in a way.”

It was through Ferraro’s journey with musical healing — working with Music 4 The Kids, an organization that pairs chronically ill children with artists — that she first began to reflect on wellness and the for-profit medical industry. While her own music sessions with hospitalized children were an unorthodox approach to healing, Ferraro said she was able to witness profound changes in the children around her, reinforcing her belief in self-empowering healthcare.

“Every session we’d basically start from scratch in a group setting, channeling the energy of the group,” Ferraro said. “Everybody would just come together — almost like a ceremony — for the united purpose of making the song. I loved the magic of moment recordings where you’ve just gotten everything right; you’re not over-thinking it so you’d capture the energy of the group right at that moment. It was a medicinal, alchemical, spiritual experience.” 

But it wasn’t until Ferraro became pregnant with her daughter that the roots of what has now become her line of blended essential oils and all natural skin care products, Scents of Awe, began to form.

“I went into a hyper-researching phase where I was just researching everything I possibly could,” Ferraro said. “It was so eye-opening to me when I realized that whatever you put on your skin, it’s as if you’re drinking it – it’s in your bloodstream within 30-60 seconds. So I just decided to start from scratch and I started making balms for my belly.”

From there, the business grew “gradually and naturally,” Ferraro said. What began as high vibe essences, oils and balms that she blended for herself and her newborn, developed into requests from friends and family who had sampled her work and benefitted from its healing abilities.

Ferraro now has her products in a boutique in Venice, and is developing scents and skin care for several larger retailers on top of maintaining her online shop.   

“I’m a full time mom so all of this just happened; I just followed the yes’s and it’s taken me to a really beautiful place,” Ferraro said. “I’m trying to empower people to go more back into nature, to take their health back into their own hands. All of these essences are out there and they’ve got such potency and such rich, amazing history behind them. It’s right at people’s fingertips, they just don’t necessarily know how to use it.”

Many of Ferraro’s most popular products — her Dream Creme, Splendid Scar Healer, Lavender Wand and SuperMama First Aid blend — originated from her own experiences with her now 4-year-old daughter, who she actively works with to instill a sense of respect and reverence for nature. At their Las Flores Canyon home, Ferraro cultivates several gardens and tends to the wild plants and animals that she and her daughter have grown to call their friends. 

Before Ferraro and her husband settled in Malibu four years ago, Ferraro had spent the last decade traveling the world, “never in one place for more than a month,” she said. But in Malibu, she has found a place that not only inspires her work and her lifestyle, but truly feels like home.

“This is Chumash territory, and we treat it as such,” Ferraro said. “When I was a kid I remember thinking, ‘I’m going to have a place in the middle of the woods and I’m going to watch the deer come by.’ This was the place I dreamed of when I was 7 years old.”

Ashleigh Fryer, Senior Editor



"Seeing our own smallness is called insight. 
Honoring our own tenderness is called strength."
-Lao Tzu

Mother's Day was originally conceptualized by Julia Ward Howe in 1870 when she wrote a powerful "Mother's Day Proclamation" encouraging all women of the world to unite for world peace.  Holding space for peaceful expression of feelings and desires is one of the greatest tasks every Mother undertakes, and the journey is a lifelong revolution of constant co-evolution.  

Being a Mother is a sensitizing experience.  You become more sensitive to inner and outer worlds, everything and everyone around you, seen and unseen.   In this awakening you become a child again, full of wonder and curiosity, constantly stimulated and inspired to renew your sense of belonging in this world.  You also learn to feel suffering more profoundly.  In an instant your child can take a fall or misjudge a target and the world comes crashing down with a burst of raw and painful emotions; learning to manage these high pressure and often time sensitive healing processes is often a tricky guessing game of soothing techniques, for everyone involved. Aside from deep breathing, visualization, and pure lovelight, one thing I have found that really does make it all much better is Helichrysum Essential Oil.  

Growing at high altitudes on the island of Corsica, which is situated between the Italian coast of Tuscany and the southern French Riviera, Helichrysum is both frost and drought tolerant and is so resilient it is often found growing through rocks. It is also known asImmortelle, or Life Everlasting, due to the fact that the flowers do not wither, and when dried, their shape and color are perfectly preserved.  

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Helichrysum's healing power is so potent that studies have shown it to be just as effective in a 1% dilution as it is in the pure 100% essential oil.  This diluted form is an excellent choice for application to skin that has not been broken, but if you are working in a first aid situation with an open wound, you would not want to introduce a carrier oil into the wound, therefor having the pure essential oil on hand is a serious advantage to cleansing and healing the wound as fast as possible.  When I administer this oil to my daughter and her friends, Mothers are amazed to see the speedy healing results.  I never go anywhere without this, it is my Supermama secret weapon against all manner of boo boos.  

Helichrysum is known to remove traumatic energies and aid in the recovery of balance and centeredness: this is a big part of the healing process when an injury occurs.  Many of our products include Helichrysum, as it is one of the most revered medicinal flowers.  A few drops rubbed through the hair or onto the heart chakra is an extremely calming and centering ritual. 

Both Helichrysum and Lavender Essential Oils have a wide range of remarkable medicinal properties, and when combined, are a true powerhouse of healing.  Lavender is considered to be the "Swiss Army Knife of Aromatherapy" and Helichrysum has a unique property unto itself with high amounts of two specific di-ketones that radically stimulate cells to regenerate, aiding in the fading of scars and the prevention of scar tissue.

As we celebrate Mother's Day this year I am honored to share in this universal dance, awakened by this sacred act of selflessness, and humbled to call myself a Mother.  

May you feel loved, held, and cherished as you truly are.

Featured in Paleo Magazine


Scents of Awe was featured in Paleo Magazine in the Feb/March 2014 issue.  

Click here to view the page.

"I really enjoyed the Deodorant Detox article in the December/January issue. Liz mentioned that many people feel they can’t tolerate baking soda under their arm pit – that it irritates them. This experience causes some people to give up on the idea of natural deodorants altogether.

I’m not able to use baking soda on my sensitive skin, nor am I able to use essential oils directly on my armpit, but the organic essential oil blends that are mixed with organic hydrosols and other organic oils are a perfect solution for me. These essential oil blends fuse with your natural smell into a delicious aroma. Keep in mind that your natural scent is the source of many of your primal pheromones – you don’t want to cover that up completely with a heavy deodorant. My boyfriend uses the Primal Skin blend, which is blended to compliment the male pheromone with Silver Fir, Frankincense, Vetiver, Red Cedar, Poplar, Hay, and Sandalwood. It’s irresistible.  I use a blend that compliments female pheromones. I wanted to share with the Paleo Community this great alternative to the toxic deodorants that pollute our lymphatic system. The line that I’ve found most effective and healing is Scents of Awe. These blends are potent anti-cancer & anti-bacterial underarm roll-ons that are incredibly healing and detoxifying. Their proximity to glands and their abundance of active pores make our armpits the perfect pathways for substances to enter the system. When I discovered this about the armpit, I realized that the arm pit is the worst place to be putting toxic chemical deodorants, and the best place to put healing elements. It's Paleo pore paradise!

Scents of Awe Comes to Abbot Kinney


Scents Of Awe was invited by Westbrook Maker to join a beautiful artistic collective that opened on Abbot Kinney in Venice recently.  It’s an honor to be involved with this great group of artists.  Stop in and check out the beautiful hand made goods from very talented local artisans.


‘With the recent influx of big-name stores like Lucky brand making their way onto Venice’s historically indie Abbot Kinney Blvd, there’s been some heated talk that the neighborhood is losing its quirky, homegrown charm. The partners behind avant-garde West Hollywood retailer H. Lorenzo, however, are bucking the chain store trend with their new, multi-brand venture Left House.

The shop, which opened this past Saturday, provides a platform to showcase the talents of emerging local artisan designers. Offerings include felt and leather toppers from milliner Westbrook Maker, ethereal boho jewelry by H.O.W.L., beaded leather bracelets by M. Cohen and colorful casualwear from Japanese-bred denim brand Kapital. Each line occupies its own “brand atelier” in the four-room space at 1629 Abbot Kinney.’—Ashley Heaton for RACKED

“They can make an office, a workshop and their own store…..It allows young designers to emerge. This is the future of retail.”-Veteran L.A. couturier Henry Duarte

We have been collaborating with Henry Duarte on some new custom packaging designs, we’ll keep you posted on that and more.

Blessings to You!

May you be Inspired, Informed, and Indomitable!


From Head to Toe Product Guide




Scents of Awe creations can all be enjoyed simultaneously, and several products have multiple uses.  They each resonate harmonic frequencies and empower one another when combined within.  Communing with these essences is a sacred act, they will guide you as you become acquainted with one another.  I believe we are each magnetically drawn to the healing we are in need of.  Tune into your body and trust your instincts, the oils will accompany you in your transformation and help restore your body to its natural state of balance and vibrant health.  


'Shamanic Smudge'

Spray above your head before meditation, yoga, upon rising and before bed to cleanse your aura and purify your airspace.

'Crown Your Life'

Massage a drop or two into your scalp to stimulate hair growth and call in protection from spiritual realms as you open your crown chakra and activate your higher brain.  

'Indigo Vision Quest'

Anoint your third eye with a drop to open the pineal gland and stimulate higher consciousness. Great for meditation, yoga, clarity of mind, focus of intention, and before bed to aid in astral travel.  I also love to apply a drop under my nose to perfume my inner being with the potent blend of these sacred essences.  The Ormus Gold in this blend is very potent and accelerates the manifestation of your mind, close monitoring of your thoughts and intentions is highly recommended.


'Skin Sanctuary'

This oil is excellent for all over body care.  You can start by washing your face with it which is an ancient oil cleansing method: oil dissolves oil.  Massage a few pumps onto your face, lifting dirt and impurities.  Exfoliate with a very warm washcloth, removing makeup and repeat if necessary.  Finish with an additional pump to moisturize.  The best way to apply this blend to your entire body is after showers while the skin is still wet, a few pumps is all you need to help retain moisture and beautify your skin.  The Sea Buckthorn Berry in this blend provides a bit of SPF protection as well.


Men and women alike adore this revitalizing oil.  You can cleanse and moisturize your face with this potent anti-cancer blend.  Massage a few pumps into your face, lifting dirt and impurities.  Exfoliate with a very warm washcloth, and repeat if necessary.  Finish with an additional pump to moisturize.  The Ormus Gold in this blend is highly restorative and activating, monitoring your thoughts and intentions is highly recommended.  The bottle should be kept a couple feet away from technology and strong magnets.


This oxygenating blend is highly restorative and nourishing, improves skin elasticity, and can also be used to cleanse the face.  Massage a few pumps into your face, lifting dirt and impurities.  Exfoliate with a very warm washcloth, repeat if necessary.  Finish with an additional pump to moisturize. The Sea Buckthorn Berry provides a bit of SPF protection.

'Rose Immortal'

Luxuriously restorative, this blend is a bed of roses.  I apply to my neck and chest before bed to invite this dreamy garden into my being.  Also great for nourishing the face day and night, and you can apply to chest to clear the heart chakra and bring emotions into balance.

'Gloriously Green'

Apply a nickel size to your face and let it work it's magic for a minute or two.  Exfoliate with a very warm washcloth to remove dirt and makeup and repeat if necessary.  



'Love Song'

Spray over face and chest and on the back of your neck for instant hydration.  I keep this on hand wherever I am, and delight in this heavenly mist before bed and upon rising.  Perfect for calming baby beds and perfuming pillows, and a luxurious companion while traveling.

'Lavender Wand'

Spray over face and chest and on the back of your neck for instant hydration.  Keep beside bed for enhanced relaxation and pillow freshening.  Babies love this sweet shower of flowers.




A decadent face cream for day and night.  Extremely nourishing and hydrating, this potent anti-cancer powerhouse also provides a bit of SPF protection for day use, and is packed with rejuvenating and restorative essences that serenade your cells while you sleep.  



'Scar Creme'

Can be applied anywhere on the body, this restorative blend radically stimulates cells to regenerate.  An excellent companion for new and old scars, and aids in a speedy recovery post surgery.

'Anti-Fungal Jungle'

Apply topically on face and body to help bring skin into balance.  Excellent for use on acne prone skin, fungal rashes, and any suspicious outbreaks.  Also excellent on feet and in between toes to clear any imbalances.

'Breathe As One'

Rub a dab under you nose and inside your nostrils for purification and protection while traveling, and in public spaces.  I keep this on hand at all times and love to apply before bed and upon rising for a deeper connection to my breath.  Can also be used as a foot rub to aid in recovery of illness and prolonged cough.


Use this versatile creme for everything from moisturizing under eyes, lips, and to protect and heal baby bums and rash.  A great universal healing companion wherever you are, also makes an excellent addition to any first aid kit.

'Little Star Sunscreen'

This concentrated sunscreen is pure nature, safe for babies yet strong enough for surfers. A little goes a very long way!  I keep this on hand in the summer for those warm days at the beach where prolonged sun is desired.  Just a dab on my babies face and shoulders is all it takes most days.


'Fresh Start'

Spray as much as desired into mouth while aimed at throat.  Excellent brushing companion, I use after tongue cleansing, and keep on hand while out in public for refreshing after meals and before meetings.


This dental oil can replace the paste or enhance your flossing ritual. Apply two drops to your dry toothbrush and brush. Apply a drop to your finger and run your floss through to aid in the oxygenation and restoration of those small spaces in between the teeth; also great applied directly to gums to promote healing. Smile makes a great companion throughout the day; a few drops under the tongue to boost immune is very refreshing.

'Pearly White Paste'

Just a dab of this paste on you toothbrush aids in cleansing and brushing rituals.  For a magical foaming and further cleansing effect: After brushing with this paste (and before rinsing) add a tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar to your mouth and brush again with this wonderfully whitening foaming chemical reaction in your mouth.  It's fun for the whole family to enjoy!



Speak Your Truth'

Apply a drop or two to your throat chakra, located in the dip at the bottom of your neck.  Can also be applied anywhere else on the body where it's soothing anti-inflammatory assistance is desired.  Our throat chakra is the seat of our creativity, revitalizing the flow of energy is wonderful before public speaking, singing, and in those moments where holding your Qi and speaking your truth is imperative.

'Radical Relief'

Roll this potent anit-inflammatory blend directly onto trouble tension areas for immediate relief and cooling.  The stainless steel roller ball adds to the soothing effect as a pressure point massage wand.  I keep this on hand wherever I go, it helps me relax the tension in my neck while driving, and a bit under my nose really wakes me up when I need a boost.



'Sweet Sweat'

This deodorizing blend rolls under the arm to directly access the axillary lymph nodes and breast tissue with powerful anti-cancer properties, transmuting your own unique fragrance into sweet healing sweat.  

'Primal Skin'

This aphrodisiac blend is a sensual synergy of anti-cancerous and hormonally balancing essences for both men and women.  An exotic deodorant that rolls on underarms or anywhere you desire it's sensual charm.  


'Heroic Heart'

Roll this angelically potent heart opening blend directly onto heart chakra, which is located between the breasts in the center of the breastbone.  Great before bed and to keep on hand in times of emotional disturbances to aid in the digestion of traumatic experience and grief.  Increases circulation as well centering the heart, promoting calm, peacefulness, and forgiveness. 

'Fire belly'

A potent digestive blend to awaken the power of the solar plexus, a drop or two on the belly (just above the naval) emboldens our abilty to translate vision into reality.  Also great for easing tummy upsets and aiding digestion after meals.

'Lymph & Liver'

Roll this potent blend directly onto your liver (which is located just to the right of your stomach) to stimulate the lymphatic system and promote liver detoxification while increasing circulation. 

'Bathroom Bliss' & 'Christmas Spirit' can both sprayed anywhere in the home to purify the air; they are excellent refreshers in bathrooms, sleeping spaces, and in cars. 

The exotic scents of 'Nymph''King''Queen', and 'Epoch' can all be enjoyed anywhere on the body, rubbed into the hair for longer lasting scent pleasure, and each are uniquely decadent enhancements to your personal perfume.



'Sea Star'

This potent anti-cancer blend assists with the hormonal balancing of Progesterone and Estrogen, and is an excellent companion for any woman in need of support and pain relief associated with PMS and Menopause.  Rub a few pumps onto your womb, and anywhere else you feel guided.  

'Star Child'

This perfume can also be applied anywhere on the body, and is gentle enough for any age.  My daughter loves this, she applies it to her friends and herself and the delicious scent makes everyone happy!

'Dream Weaver'

Massage a few pumps of this calming blend into your skin to serenade your cells into relaxation, anti-inflammation, and sweet slumber.  This is perfect after bedtime baths for babes and adults alike.  I rub this on my daughters back and tummy before bed.  The chamomiles in this blend are very supportive and boost immune function; Dream Weaver is gentle yet potent and supports the healing process during illness at all ages.

'Fearlessly Free'

This decadently fragrant blend assists in freeing the sensual passions of your sacral chakra. Massage a few drops into your sacral (just below your belly button) and to your lower back to inspire fearlessness and total freedom. An excellent companion for sensual rituals, and can also be applied as a perfume anywhere on the body.




You can apply a drop or two of this root chakra oil to the soles of the feet for earthing rituals, as well massaging a drop into the base of the spine.  An awesome enhancement for barefoot gardening, and grounding oneself.

'Dream Creme'

This is one of my favorite sleep enhancement rituals.  We detox during sleep, and rubbing a bit of this decadent creme on your clean feet before bed is an excellent way to promote deep sleep and stimulate detoxification enzymes.  I created it out of desperation for more sleep as a nursing and co-sleeping mother, but it quickly became a favorite ritual for the whole family. It's an awesome reminder after a long day to give your feet a little loving touch. Massage a bit onto the tops and soles of your feet. Just seconds after application the effects can be felt throughout the body and in the brain.  My family uses this religiously, and my daughter loves to dig her fingers into the jar and tries to get as much as she can!